New Year’s Cleanse

Posted January 23, 2017 | Event, Nutrition & Health Tips, Uncategorized

Our Seasonal Cleanse: Do Something Loving for Yourself!

The holidays are a great time of year for being with friends and family, and for many over consuming on the delights of the season. It is easy for many people to encounter situations at parties and gatherings that encourage indulging in foods that we would not normally consume, or consume in such amounts, in your daily diet. These opportunities make it easy to overeat from Thanksgiving all the way through to New Year’s Day.   In the post holiday haze many people ask themselves, what can we do to restore our healthy eating or how can we start eating healthier? A great answer is to do a seasonal detox.

Detoxification is the process of clearing toxins and chemicals from the body. In our disordered holiday eating it is easy to eat products that contain unwanted ingredients and food additives. This influx of additives in a short period of time can overload our body’s natural detoxification processes. A healthy body is able to clear toxins easily, as long as the load is not too great.

Just as during the holiday season we tend to over indulge we can also make healthy dietary and lifestyle changes to reduce the intake of toxins. A cleanse in a great way to intentionally add food into your diet to support natural elimination through the organs of detoxification. Detoxification practices can easily be applied to daily life or can also be implemented for a set period of time.

The New Year’s Cleanse at Vital kids offers great ways to kick-start your health in 2017. Vital Kid’s New Year’s Cleanse is a great way to gain more energy, improve digestion and elimination, achieve freedom from cravings, clarity and focus, clearer skin, and more stable moods, better weight control, and better sleep! It’s important to take time to love yourself through your health. Happy New Year and cheers to your health!

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